Sr Roberta Vinerva /

Diocesan Franciscan nun of the Diocese of Perugia – Città della Pieve, she received her license in moral theology and a doctorate in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. She collaborates with magazines, radio and TV, with contributions devoted to issues of the world of young people and of the social field in general. Professor of Moral Theology at the Theological Institute and the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Assisi, she is president of the Circle Giorgio La Pira, a school of political education for young people of the Diocese of Perugia. Catechist of adults, since many years she is engaged in the evangelization of young people and adolescents. She is the author of many books and papers, including: Lo Spirito di Assisi e Papa Francesco (2014), Nel grembo e nel cielo. La donna come spazio, deserto, speranza (2014), Politico o cristiano? (2012), La vita non è un parcheggio. Giovani in cerca di futuro (2010), Se questo è amore… ABC dell’affettività e della sessualità (2006).