The ultimate aim should be that the Gospel, as preached in categories proper to each culture, will create a new synthesis with that particular culture. This is always a slow process and at we can be overly fearful. But if we allow doubts and fears to dampen our courage, instead of being creative we will remain comfortable and make no progress whatsoever.
Evangelii Gaudium, 129
4.10pm:Fewer vocations and more territories to manage: which a parish in twenty years?
#nuovimodellidiorganizzazione #chiesasinodale #corresponsabilità #nuoveministerialità #gestirecambiamento
New reorganization models in the area in light of the decrease in vocations and a new idea of collegiality.
Padre Antonio Spadaro: Director of Civiltà Cattolica
Federico Mioni: Director of Federmanager Academy
Michael Castrilli: Professor at Villanova University e President of the Church Management Academy
3.15pm: Which church after Francis??
#nuovoparadigma #riformadellachiesa #resistenzealcambiamento #giovani #fede #discernimento #creatività #fedeltà
Social paradigms are changing and the pastoral challenges ceaselessly multiply: how to deal with the changes taking place today in the light of the Gospel message.
Padre Antonio Mastantuono: Deputy General Chaplain Assistant of Italian Catholic Action
Paola Bignardi: former President of Catholic Action and National Director of the Youth Project of the Institute Toniolo
11am: Perché dare un sostegno economico alla Chiesa?
#nuoveprospettive #gestionebeniecclesiastici #fundraising #spiritualità #trasparenza #comunicazione #gestione #evangelizzazione
Pastoral perspectives and concrete action strategies in the light of the current economic uncertainty and difficult management of Church goods.
Matteo Calabresi: Director of CEI national service of promotion and economic support to the Catholic Church
Jim Gallo: Director of the Centre of Church Management & Business Ethics Villanova School of Business
Personalities from several fields of study and professional backgrounds – academics, theologians, experts in creativity and innovation processes, managers, high level cultural testimonials – will sit around the same table. Guided by a moderator on a thematic focus, these guests will stimulate the public, on a dialogic key, to go beyond traditional and taken-for-granted schemes, to illustrate new perspectives and visions.
GOALS: Bring motivations to question patterns, the taken for granted, illustrate perspectives and visions. Create a real motivation for the SHARED RESPONSIBILITY SPACES.
DURATION: 60’ /session