Idoneity and sagacity: idoneity, or suitability, entails personal effort aimed at acquiring the necessary requisites for exercising as best we can our tasks and duties with intelligence and insight. It does not countenance “recommendations” and payoffs. Sagacity is the readiness to grasp and confront situations with shrewdness and creativity. Idoneity and sagacity also represent our human response to divine grace.

Pope Francis, December 21th 2015

3 sessions: Friday 4pm & 6.30pm, Saturday 2pm



During the Festival, participants can join micro-workshops focused on specific topics. These micro-workshops will be short formative experiences for small groups and will enable participants to acquire a know-how immediately useful in their service context.


REGISTRATION: Each participant may enroll in three different workshops, one for each session, subject to availability (n. 30 max people per workshop).


Read and download the list of workshops.