The thruth of whom accompanies is to show paths ahead, more than judge past closures. The look of love doesn’t discriminate nor relativize, because it’s merciful. The look of love doesn’t discriminate nor relativize, because it’s creative.

Bergoglio, from Pastoral Letter “God in the city”


9:00 am

Mons. Dario Edoardo Viganò
Which reform in Church communication?
#StrategieComunicative #Comunicazione_Evangelizzazione #PapaFrancesco_Comunicazione #Comunicazione_Cambiamento


9:30 am

Andrea Ricciardi
Suburbs: crisis or opportunity for the Church?
#DrammaMigranti #CrisiEconomica #Povertà_DisoccupazioneGiovanile #RisposteNuove #Misericordia_Opere


3:15 pm

Which reorganization in the communities in the light of the reorganization of the Vatican curia
#StrategieComunicative #Comuicazione_Evangelizzazione #PapaFrancesco_Comunicazione #Comunicazione_Cambiamento




FORMAT: Dialogue/interview to a personality from Church or Management world.

GOAL: Great personalities will be invited to the festival to entertain us in a dialogue that can inspire and stimulate suggestions and innovations. At each session there will a dialogue with one of them. A presenter will ask questions on a thematic focus and will manage the questions of public through a variety of communication methods.

DURATION: 45’/session