Dear friends, you have “a noble vocation, directed to producing wealth and improving our world” for everyone (Encyclical Laudato Si’, n. 129); thus you are called to be builders of the common good and artisans of a new “humanism of work”. You are called to protect professionalism, and at the same time to pay attention to working conditions, in order to prevent the occurrence of accidents and awkward situations.
The present time invites us to favor actions that could generate new dynamism in society and bearing fruit in important and positive historical events (Evangelii gaudium, 223).
Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the General Confederation of Italian Industry (Confindustria)
To create a space of contamination and possible collaborations on real and effective projects, the Festival will provide time for all the organizations mentioned on this page, giving the opportunity to the participants to listen innovative experiences that will be presented.
Any reality can present their good practice by writing to: The organization will select the excellence of these proposals to be presented at the festival in the specific format.
Parishes, dioceses, institutes of consecrated life, orders, organizations and all non-profit organizations and profit that move within the ecclesial landscape that, to cope with ever new situations and different needs that characterize the pastoral reality, they knew design creatively new paths, carefully managing those processes and organizational matters regarding people, material and financial resources in a missionary key, combining expertise, professionalism, Gospel and the Church’s Magisterium.
Aggregations lay, social enterprises and third sector associations that represent excellence in national and international scene, will compare their experiences and expertise, in order to collaborate in a continuous growth and innovation and produce new practices can imitate or recreate.
Business realities that are distinguished by careful management of human resources and organizational processes, to depict the values of transparency and the common good, that realize good practices where the end becomes one with the means and the ‘ action a well-diction. Each situation can present, share and discuss the efficiency and effectiveness of their projects and their own best practices.