If we succeed in expressing adequately and with beauty the essential content of the Gospel, surely this message will speak to the deepest yearnings of people’s hearts: “The missionary is convinced that, through the working of the Spirit, there already exists in individuals and peoples an expectation, even if an unconscious one, of knowing the truth about God, about man, and about how we are to be set free from sin and death. The missionary’s enthusiasm in proclaiming Christ comes from the conviction that he is responding to that expectation”.
Evangelii Gaudium 265
Great personalities of culture, of the Church or the management who will be invited to the festival to talk with the participants in a dialogue that can inspire and stimulate suggestions and innovations.
Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University
Bishop of Novara – CEI Vice President
Prefect of the Vatican Secretariat for Communication
Direttore de La Civiltà Cattolica
Docente della PUL, Viceassistente nazionale dell'Azione Cattolica
Responsabile Servizio per la Promozione del Sostegno economico alla Chiesa
Direttore di Federmanager Academy
Già presidente nazionale dell'azione cattolica
Direttore di Facoltà del Villanova Center for Church Management and Business Ethics
Docente per il Villanova Center for the Study of Church Management and Businnes Ethics
Direttore del Centro for Church Management & Business Ethics della Villanova University
Consultant and Retired Director of Personnel Services, Archdiocese of Chicago
Dancer, choreographer, director of "HolyDance"